Mold Testing
Service Description
Mold Inspections & Testing Are you concerned about the presence of mold growth within your home due to water intrusion? Unfortunately water leaks and water intrusion can happen to any home. Some damage is very obvious to the home owner however, due to the nature of todays building products, most leaks or water intrusion can go undetected for years which, if left untreated, can lead to mold growth and cause structural damage within your family home. Have a mold inspection conducted to address the water intrusion and avoid the health issues and side effects caused by mold and prevent any further damage in the future. I am trained, certified and experienced at collecting mold samples for laboratory analysis to determine the level and type of mold present. Let me ensure your home and families health are sound by conducting a mold inspection and testing for you. During a mold inspection you will receive a full visual examination of your home and be made aware of any areas of apparent mold, water intrusion or areas at risk for future water intrusion. I am here to provide my expertise so that you can breathe easy in a healthy mold-free home, while also preventing any further structural and aesthetic damage in your home/building caused by mold growth and water intrusion. A site visit fee of $50 plus $125 per air or swab sample needed (min. 2 samples required). Each sample taken can test up to 1000 sqft or one sample per floor plus a control sample from the exterior of the home. If a mold Inspection is required add $250 What to Expect from a Mold Inspection: -Complete visual examination of all components in your home/building -Confidence knowing causes of water intrusions -Full mold inspection report with photos and thermal images -Lab analysis on air quality or bulk mold samples -Recommended of what to do next
Contact Details
12 Laurier Place Northwest, Edmonton, AB, Canada